Thursday, January 27, 2005

Mommy Bought Me Something

My mom came home from Orchard, and guess what she bought for me.

Black nail polish.

Hahaha... It just reminded me of Nuriah, when she complained about her mom throwing away hers.

Monday, January 24, 2005

Winning Feeling

2nd match, still going on strong. *cross all of your fingers*

9 - 0
Sweet sweet sweet victory. A BIG finally for us. Like Finally...
Fucking sweet. Fucking fortunate to have fucking good players in the team.

(The word 'fuck' here isn't used to offend but to emphasize.)

BUT, do not be over confident. It was what made me fail my test when i was in primary school.

Sunday, January 23, 2005

The Notice

Kim just asked me for a favour. I'm asked to type out a notice for the person who's renting her apartment. A notice to ask them to MOVE out because she's going to sell that house of hers. How am i supposed to do that??

Dear 'whoever',
I would like to.....(notify? What? What to write??) You have till early April to move out. (Sounds weird man...)

Ok, i really have no idea how to do this. Anybody who can help write one for me?

Tuesday, January 18, 2005

The Beginning

Well, well well, our 1st IVP match is tomorrow. *de-deng!!!(in low scary tone)* Not forgetting that we'll rendezvous 11am outside the soccer booth to meet...*drum roll*... Izyan's forever hot favourite, sexy, goalkeeper, Mr Lionel Lewis. Yes, there's only One Lionel Lewis, there's only One Lionel Lewis, so that's why we got to all be at the booth to see him.

Ok, but that's not the thing that i'm excited about. I am just really erm... Psyched up? Anxious? Excited? About tomorrow's match. I've bought my new shin guard and we'll all be wearing our new 'collar-up' jerseys. : ) The only thing old about me at the match tomorrow, would be the boots and my underwear.

We all need that squirt of inspiration and that drive of confidence to win.

Enjoy and rest well...

Monday, January 10, 2005

Rejected Donor

Tighter... Tighter... See it? No? It's not there? I'm sure it is. I'll keep squeezing it. Still not there?

Sorry, i can't find your vein.

Saturday, January 08, 2005


My dad's an artist and i'm the masterpiece.

Thursday, January 06, 2005

Constipated turkey

The feeling of constipation is like shit. (No pun intended)
Bloated. Heavy.I feel like an over-stuffed turkey.

Pass over the laxatives please.


Phone phone here i come...

Fuck the savings, fuck the conscience.

Long lost fingers back to its days of typing shit here.

People, we're back.